AS 1 · MALE MUSCLE FIGURE About 1/2 natural size, made from SOMSO®-Plast. Separates into 27 parts in total: cranium; brain (2); thoracic and abdominal wall; halves of the lung (2); heart (2); liver; stomach; duodenum, small and large intestines; right arm; left arm with four removable muscles; muscles of the leg (9); body. On a stand with green base. Height 86 cm, (figure 82 cm), width 49 cm, depth 38 cm, weight 7.2 kg LOORSIOGOKINMOAUSLOTW®FIOTSRHUTNTH!HEE AS 12 · TORSO OF YOUNG MAN WITHOUT HEAD Natural size, made from SOMSO®-Plast. Separates into 12 parts. On a green base. Height 71 cm (torso 67 cm), width 39 cm, depth 26 cm, weight 8.7 kg AS 12 disassembled AS 1 AS 4/1 · TORSO WITH HEAD AND INTERCHANGEABLE MALE AND FEMALE GENITALIA Natural size, made from SOMSO®-Plast. Separates into 16 parts. On a green base. Height 92 cm (torso 88 cm), width 40 cm, depth 26 cm, weight 12 kg AS 3 · MALE MUSCLE FIGURE About 1/4 natural size, made from SOMSO®-Plast. Cannot be disassembled. On a removable green base. Height 53 cm (figure 50 cm), width 33 cm, depth 15 cm, weight 1.5 kg 2 ANATOMY MUSCLE FIGURES TORSO MODELS AS 4/1 AS 4/1 disassembled SOMSO® TORSO MODELS - ANATOMY AS A HARMONIOUS UNITY FOR MODERN
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