CONTENT Frederiksen Scientific A/S Viaduktvej 35 . DK-6870 Ølgod, Denmark Tel. +45 7524 4966 Opening hours: Monday-thursday: 8.00-16.00 Friday: 8.00-15.30 Anatomy and psysiology Cell biology Disection and preparation Magnifying glasses Microscopes Stereo microscopes Binoculars and binoculars telescopes Water analyzes Field study, land Field study, water Botany Zoology Collection and storage Aquariums and terrariums Behavioral experiments Globes, telescopes and telluriums Meteorology Biotechnology Electrophoresis 1 - 28 29 - 48 49 - 54 55 - 58 59 - 68 69 - 76 77 - 82 83 - 94 95 - 106 107 - 116 117 - 120 121 - 124 125 - 132 133 - 136 137 - 140 141 - 148 149 - 156 157 - 172 173 - 194
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